I recently learned about the #NEISvoid on Twitter, a hashtag for people with chronic health problems and/or disabilities to post under. It stands for “No End In Sight” It's full of everything from venting about doctors (such as in my last post), mutual aid requests, and tips for managing chronic fatigue. I had seen the tag before, but up until now, I had never wondered what it stood for. I often saw it accompanying the DisabilityTwitter tag, which I occasionally use, so I assumed it had something to do with disability.
After writing the above section of this post, I took a break. I then got a call from my doctor, who ordered me a heart ultrasound and a heart monitor that I’ll need to wear for 24 hours. The soonest available appointment was January 4th, and for only the ultrasound. My heart monitor won’t be available until February. They can’t give me a date for when analysis of both of these will be done. It seems to be that I have officially entered the NEISvoid.
I’m hoping to fill my time I spend waiting on medical professionals with writing and art. I specifically want to be able to showcase the struggles we as disabled/chronically ill people go through.
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